Ethics Statement

Research reported at ECAI and at the LUHME workshop should avoid harm, be honest and trustworthy, fair and non-discriminatory, and respect privacy and intellectual property.

Where relevant, authors can include in the main body of their paper, or on the reference page, a short ethics statement that addresses ethical issues regarding the research being reported and the broader ethical impact of the work.

Reviewers will be asked to flag possible violations of relevant ethical principles. Such flagged submissions will be reviewed by a senior member of the programme committee. Authors may be required to revise their paper to include a discussion of possible ethical concerns and their mitigation.

Submission Instructions

Papers must be written in English, be prepared for double-blind review using the ECAI LaTeX template, and not exceed 7 pages (not including references). The ECAI LaTeX Template can be found at .

Papers should be submitted via EasyChair:

Excessive use of typesetting tricks to make things fit is not permitted. Please do not modify the style files or layout parameters. You can resubmit any number of times until the submission deadline.


As in the first edition of the LUHME workshop, we intend to publish accepted papers with ACL Anthology (Proceedings of the First LUHME Workshop)